Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Aboriginal Culture

The Aborigine tribe we visited are Walpari people they have a
population of about 1,750 and they live in an area about the size of
Great Britain. 74% of northern land is owned by Aborigines. Aborigines
came to the Outback from Sri Lanka about 40,000 years.

Some of the customs remain but for the most part (especially the
younger generation) they have changed to Australian ways.

Food source was important. Types of foods they eat are seeds, nuts,
snakes, wombats, emus, and kangaroos.
Women have had difficult with fertility because they had little body
fat. Usual lifespan was 45-50 yrs. They lived in small groups. If
individuals don't share, they were punished. Example of a punishment
was a spear through a leg. this probably diesn't occur today. They
left disabled people behind.

Older generation still sit on ground and they prefer to sleep outside.
Hardly any bathing is done when they are in the Outback because it
puts their scent in the water which scares away animals.

Health and education- Aborigines must send children to school; there
is a penalty if they don't attend school. Many don't have education;
but it is increasing. Disease is usually treated the bush way but they
do respect white man medicine. Now birth for Aborigines takes place in

Aborigines bury people in the fork of trees. Now it is called sorry
business. Women wail; men use a sorry cup. they have 4 days of
grieving; they bury possessions; there is no passing on of
possessions. They don't talk about person after the 4 days of
grieving. Now they grieve alot like us.

In marriage the girls were very young (12-14) because the could bear
children better. Men were usually in their early 20s. The mother picks
the husband for her daughter. They don't marry earlier than the 4th
cousin group. After the marriage, mother and son-in-law no longer
talk. There is too much of a chance of attraction since he is very
close to the mother's age. The wife goes with the husbands family.
There are some separation and divorces. Aborigines could have multiple

They inherit common names so too many have the same name; now they are
also given an English name. They now have to be 16 to marry and they
choose their own mate. Some do intermarry with other races. Men's
names start with J or C. Womens names begin with N. They used to have
more deformities but with marriage at the 4th cousin problems stopped.
Problems now seem to be alcohol related.

Boys used to have rights of manhood; some still do but most don't.

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