Saturday, February 2, 2013

Total Air Miles

By popular request - I was asked how many miles were traveled in the
air. 24,305. The sad fact is
that American Airlines only awards half the miles for group bookings.

We're in Detroit - What did I like Best

Oh my! It's cold out here! We arrived in Detroit a few minutes ago and
have boarded the bus that will take us back to St. Gerard's Church.

Almost anyone I asked said I would like New Zealand best. I can't say
I did. New Zealand was so majestic, but Australia was so diverse. I
thoroughly enjoyed both and am at a loss to choose the better of
either. It was simply a fantastic vacation - a vacation of a lifetime.
Thank you for joining me on our adventure.


Friday, February 1, 2013

Steps For Our Trip

I suppose only the very analytic or partially crazy ever record all
their steps on vacation, but Tom and I have recorded our steps
averaging 8,225 steps (3.6 miles) per day. That count includes several days
dedicated to flying and days of walking in 120 degree heat. The low
count for a day was 4,733 (2 miles) and the high count was 15,297 steps (6.8 miles). The high
count was achieved in Sydney when we visited the Opera House and
walked down to Darling Harbor.

Back in Los Angeles

We left Fiji last night (but also this night) at 10 pm. So Gavin we
remembered you in Fiji as you turned 8 years old and then when we
landed at noon in Los Angeles today (also your birthday) we
technically flew in minus 14 hours. Did you get that?

I had some terrific news today when my daughter Amanda found out she
passed her oral boards for general surgery on Tuesday in New Orleans.
She had already passed her written boards so now she is a certified
general surgeon. She has signed a contract to practice as a breast
surgeon at Holy Redeemer near Philadelphia where she will practice in
August after completing her fellowship in breast surgery in Los
Angeles. I was able to celebrate a little with her when she she
picked me up at LAX for dinner during our 12 hour layover. I am very
proud of Amanda and am amazed at all the hard work she has dedicated
to her profession.

Sent from my iPhone

Orchids at sleeping Giant Farden

We visited the Sleeping Giant Garden and saw an amazing collection of
orchids and other tropical flowers. This garden was created by Raymond
Burr (Perry Mason, Ironsides) and he left it in trust for the Society
of the Blind in Fiji.

Lynn and Skip Relaxing

Lynn and Skip are taking a few moments to relax at a beautiful
overview of Fiji Island with the Pacific Ocean in the background.

Just a few words about our agent Lynn and her husband Skip (aka
George, Stu, Chip, Skippy). It is so relaxing on a vacation with Lynn
because she handles all the worries. We just go where she directs; she
does the figuring and we just have fun. She also tries to make sure we
get the best value for the money. The team of Jim from Colette and
Lynn was totally amazing. I suppose that is why so many people sign up
for trips with Fuller Travel. This may sound like an advertisement but
she is the best at what she does.

Kava Time

Barb was one of our guinea pigs trying kava. She said it was earthy
tasting and left a tingle on her tongue. It is supposed to be relaxing
but she probably did not drink enough to achieve extra relaxation - if
course this vacation was relaxing by itself!


Our guide Lidia is in red. Her voice was melodic - always a joy to
hear (even when we didn't understand her). Some key words in Fiji were
Bula (for hello or a greeting) and vinaka (thank you).

On the right is a person at the market showing us how to prepare kava
a traditional marriage preparation or welcoming drink.

Music in Fiji

We were treated to music throughout the Sofitel Resort. There was
always someone singing at the breakfast buffet and pretty much any
corner you turned you could find more singing.